802.11b |
Most popular standard for wireless networking
Known as Wi-Fi
Runs on three channels in 2.4GHz, unlicensed spectrum
Shares spectrum with 2.4GHz cordless phones, microwave ovens and many
Bluetooth products
Transfers data at up to 11 megabits per second per channel, at
distances of up to 300 feet
Interference issues: In crowded 2.4GHz frequency, people may not be
able to Web surf over a wireless network if they're using the microwave
oven or using a 2.4GHz cordless phone at the same time
802.11a |
Also known as Wi-Fi
Runs on 12 channels in 5GHz spectrum in North America, reducing
interference issues
Transfers data up to five times faster than 802.11b, improving quality
of streaming media, and provides extra bandwidth for big files
Is not interoperable with 802.11b, meaning data sent from an 802.11b
network will not be accessed by 802.11a networks
802.11g |
Runs on three channels in 2.4GHz spectrum in North
America, the same as 802.11b
Has the speed of 802.11a, up to five times faster than 802.11b
Is more secure than 802.11b
Is interoperable with 802.11b
802.11i |
Will provide security protection for 802.11
Is still being finalized by the IEEE, but is expected in September
Will be interoperable with the current, but temporary, Wi-Fi Protected
Access (WPA) specification, which is a subset of 802.11i